01 January 2001

background: house of god

the house of god, an amazing novel by samuel shem, is a classic book describing life in medical school. if you haven't read it, i highly recommend it--particularly if you have any interest in going into medicine.

in the book, shem refers to harvard medical school as "man's best medical school," or "mbms" for short. in hommage to shem's work (and in jest of my own medical school), throughout this blog i will refer to my medical school as "man's worst medical school," or "mwms."

is my school really the worst? only time will tell.... enjoy!

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a little disclaimer...

i'm a medical student. just a student. so please, don't take anything i say too seriously. remember that i was an english literature major as an undergrad, so there is much fiction to be found in these pages. do you think i'm telling a story about you or your illness? more likely, you're tapping into my sense of "everyman"--that is, your story resonates with what i write here because it's not so uncommon after all. need help? please, please go see your physician. <--i'm not her. yet. ;-)